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Full Version: Import shockwave mod help
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave
Hey I am a huge fan of the shockwave mod and have been playing it with friends since the first released version. For us the game has always been pretty laggy online and I was wondering what would it take to personally update the game into a newer game engine with better networking such as Tiberium Wars?

I understand this would require a crap ton of work, but humor me for a minute. What would have to be done?

I have noticed that an SDK was just released for tiberium wars for the mod "generals universe" so thats what gave me the idea.
Also, there is a RA3 mod called generals evolution, but that mod is making a generals clone that makes the game prettier (nicer models, newer fx, etc).

Thanks in advance for humoring my head in the clouds dream!

(I apologize if this in the wrong section or if this was discussed. I tried using the search function and found nothing, and I couldnt post in the modding section)
I never modded a game or anything.

If you are wanting a fully updated shockwave(graphics and all) to be on Tiberium Wars. It would take a lot of modeling. I believe that the game naturally has the types of weapon mechanics to support all the Shockwave units(Firestorms might be weird).

I am also assuming that the infantry wouldn't come in squads.

Resource gathering might be weird, RA3 would stand a better chance in that regard because they have things that are like a resource pile.

It would be great if it were to happen but it would take a ton of work to do all the models. Maybe they could take the current ones and just update the textures so they fit in.
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