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Sorry if this was already asked, but I have a feeling that the Kwai isn't up to task, when it comes to defeating Ironside. Kwai has no siege units, has terrible airforce, while Ironside has both things and one of the best ground units in-game.
If possible could you provide a replay so i can see what dilemma you are facing vs Armor


Tank has the best early game pressure of any faction in the game you are able to secure a lot more map control and you should use this to your advantage.

Tank general has some of the best siege aircraft units with his bombers with especially black napalm are able to quickly destroy defenses , but it requires good control of your air force. to pull off Late game aircraft is essential


1. Put the pressure on him early don't give him an easy ride
2. Tank general is stronger early game then later on but aircraft makes up for his seige weakness
3. Take control as much of the map as possible before the enemy builds a critical structure (I.E Palace , Strategy Center , Propaganda Center)
4. Once the late game hits aim for about 25 hackers (8 in hacker center and about 4 full hacker vans) for a very successful economy
5. If you don't pressure him as tank general your going to have a bad time
I can't do it at the moment, because I'm at work. Well, it's probably just me. I really like both Kwai and Ironside, but I always had a harder time đefeating a hard Armor with a Tank General, than the other way around. But thanks for the tips. It will definitely help me. I never thought I could get a more effective map control with Kwai than Ironside, because of those Starlifters. But that's why you're the tester. Thanks again. smile.gif
Follow Zhao's advise. ^^

As for GP's :-

- Take Veteran Battlemaster GP - 1 point

- Take Frenzy - 1 point

- Take Cash Hack - 1 point

- Take Emergency Repair - 1 point

- Take Battlemaster Tank Drop - All Three GP's - 3 points

Total = 7 points.

Trust me these GP's can be devastating if used properly.

Veteran Battlemsters + Three Battlemasters dropping out of the Sky + Frenzy Bonus (GP) + Horde Bonus + Propoganda Bonus + Emergency Repair Bonus (GP) (These two stack [PB + ER] ? I don't know. If they don't use it at crucial points) = A very brutal steamroll.

Cash Hack can be used to drain your opponent's money and resupply yours.

The thing that I learned in ROTR is that if you stack all the bonuses of China (GP + The Normal ones); your army will become extremely Powerful. It works in Shockwave also.
QUOTE (Rohan @ 30 Aug 2015, 19:30) *
Follow Zhao's advise. ^^

As for GP's :-

- Take Veteran Battlemaster GP - 1 point

- Take Frenzy - 1 point

- Take Cash Hack - 1 point

- Take Emergency Repair - 1 point

- Take Battlemaster Tank Drop - All Three GP's - 3 points

Total = 7 points.

Trust me these GP's can be devastating if used properly.

Veteran Battlemsters + Three Battlemasters dropping out of the Sky + Frenzy Bonus (GP) + Horde Bonus + Propoganda Bonus + Emergency Repair Bonus (GP) (These two stack [PB + ER] ? I don't know. If they don't use it at crucial points) = A very brutal steamroll.

Cash Hack can be used to drain your opponent's money and resupply yours.

The thing that I learned in ROTR is that if you stack all the bonuses of China (GP + The Normal ones); your army will become extremely Powerful. It works in Shockwave also.

My combination was different. But I'll definitely try yours. Thanks, buddy. smile.gif
First, forget infantry. Barracks are only for hackers, Black lotus and the Capture upgrade. The veteran GP is the first. Beware with the infantry from Armor, they take a Battlemaster very fast. A early scout can serve, the Armor not have radar at the first. And build ECM tanks. They negate the missile upgrades from Armor and can be used from stop the Wraiths and Mammoths. Too reduce the damage taken from air attacks. Now, the battle can be different if they use artillery. Razor bombers are the answer to groups from artillery. But too can use they from take the stealth detectors. Defenses from Armor not have autodetect, a good used Black Lotus can cripple your enemy. If this use infantry, use Warmasters, that too are effective vs defenses. If you use heavy tanks (Emperors), again use ECM for protection and have the numbers at your side. Remember that Mammoth not can crush Overlords. You too can change the battlemaster drop for one or two mines. And have AA in your bases, The Starlifters drops are dangerous if your not is ready. Chincks drops are good, but you not can transport very soldiers, better use tanks if you think use this.
Fighting against Ironside is like fighting a wet noodle with a bad hangover and a wife noodle nagging him to stop fighting with his shoes on the wrong feet.

Even as Kwai, I would use both infantry and tanks. Since the early days of blitzkrieg it has been the cardinal rule of warfare to combine infantry and tanks in powerful kampfgruppes along with supporting arms like artillery and air support if possible. The more types of fighting units in a battlegroup, the more effective for handing any enemy.
I can't do it at the moment, because I'm at work. Well, it's probably just me. I really like both Kwai and Ironside, but I always had a harder time đefeating a hard Armor with a Tank General, than the other way around. But thanks for the tips. It will definitely help me. I never thought I could get a more effective map control with Kwai than Ironside, because of those Starlifters. But that's why you're the tester. Thanks again

It seems like you, 3rdArmy, play not online. If yes, please provide some replays. Are you talking about version 1.1?

Early on depending on the map infatry at some points can also be interesting.

I do believe that Tank has a good chance against Ironside.
Believe means that I didn't back that up with replay.

Yeah. As I said in the PM, my nets' screwed up.
Hmmm....where are you living?
Just what it says in my profile info. Serbia.
I've been meaning to ask something... I already posted in the Bugs section that when I'm Ironside, my Bombardment cannon on the Strategy Center isn't firing, auto as weall as force-firing. Can someone else perhaps confirm it?
Also, S&D doesn't seem to detect stealth at all - can't tell for sure for this one though...
That strategy center is bugged somehow, I can confirm.
In some occasions I can force-fire, but that's it.
Kwai is probably ok if he makes it to ECMs.

He's gotta survive the Bradley+Striker push early though.
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