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In this topic I will be announce my tournaments. Join, it will be a great tournament. Translation of rules in english are in process
Is this Rotr?

All the rules have been translated to english, join, guys, and enjoy by the games with the best players of Russian ZH community!
Would like to have an ROTR tourny,instead.On the latest build,preferably.
I've already signed up!
Let's Join This Big Party Generals and Gentlemen!
Hi there, I'm glad to report you I've opened registration to my new, very interesting and unusual tournament. All rules had been translated by google translate, but corrected by me, I hope everything will be clear, if no - write me in skype. Join everybody, it should be fun!
I invite everyone to my new tournament on the classic ZH,
Wellcome to my new tournament!
"Alas, the developers are very disappointed by releasing a completely useless new version 1.2. It's not need to pick the word - they have released shit! (I hope this word is not considered indecent, otherwise it's just difficult to say smile.gif). Unfortunately, I still can not find modmaker. Therefore, there is no choice - we'll play on version 1.1, and it is not so bad, because even in 1.1 balance is almost perfect, especially given the presence of a bug list. And that is the bug-list, by the way:*"

Are you serious?
QUOTE ((USA)Bruce @ 11 Jul 2016, 2:41) *
they have released shit! (I hope this word is not considered indecent, otherwise it's just difficult to say smile.gif).

Indecent ? no
It's disrepectful, asshol-ish, and showing how arrogant you are by believeing you know everything better than everyone including the lead developpers and beta testers.
Bruce, this topic is only for conversation about tournaments and not about my minds about shockwave, I don't understand why it was need to turn conversation toward one more abuse. I said my opinion about 1.2 earlier, you don't wanna hear - it is your right, I'm not gonna say it anymore, but you have artificially raised the issue again to the surface, what for? Nothing will change allready, you will be with your opinion, I will be with my one, there is no need to abuse. I will say in skype what I think about you.
shockwave tournament... sound interesting!
Hecthor Doomhammer
a tournament of a RTS where there are limitations on what players can do?
you can't be serious. It's a wargame. ALL is fair in war.
And besides, an old, obsolete version, just because you can't accept and enjoy the new? good luck
QUOTE (Hecthor Doomhammer @ 16 Jul 2016, 15:59) *
a tournament of a RTS where there are limitations on what players can do?
you can't be serious. It's a wargame. ALL is fair in war.
And besides, an old, obsolete version, just because you can't accept and enjoy the new? good luck

doomy do you stream now or not more?
Hecthor Doomhammer
QUOTE (ZunZero97 @ 16 Jul 2016, 22:13) *
doomy do you stream now or not more?

I was holding my own OpenRA Red Alert Tournament quite recently. the videos of those matches will go onto Youtube shortly
QUOTE (Hecthor Doomhammer @ 16 Jul 2016, 21:59) *
a tournament of a RTS where there are limitations on what players can do?
you can't be serious. It's a wargame. ALL is fair in war.

and you serious?) play with some bugs? yea, may be you mostly "fair" player.
What bugs are relevant in 1.2?

Preffrence is one thing
Bug 1.1 is much more buggy, Armour Burton doesnt even destealth correctly.
Wake up, guys, I invite you in my new tournament.
QUOTE (Angel @ 16 Nov 2016, 12:26) *
Wake up, guys, I invite you in my new tournament.

Question: Why Shockwave 1.1, and not 1.201 ?
Hecthor Doomhammer
QUOTE (Maelstrom @ 16 Nov 2016, 13:17) *
Question: Why Shockwave 1.1, and not 1.201 ?

Because he prefers an outdated inferior version
QUOTE (Hecthor Doomhammer @ 17 Nov 2016, 3:20) *
Because he prefers an outdated inferior version

And Remember, Everything new isn't always good. He has his reasons, and we should respect his decision.
QUOTE (M.P @ 17 Nov 2016, 8:05) *
And Remember, Everything new isn't always good. He has his reasons, and we should respect his decision.

That's the idea. I'd be glad to hear those reasons. Most of the "banned bugs" are adressed in 1.201.
And it's even compatible with Gameranger (yeah because I know he doesn't like SWRnet)
From my experience shockwaves multiplayer community divided when the next patch was released because gameranger didn't keep up.
Angel Old tournament with new name, registration is opened again, wellcome.
QUOTE (Angel @ 7 Jan 2017, 8:19) * Old tournament with new name, registration is opened again, wellcome.

If you promise me I wont face DustinRhodes again I'll play, Like two times Im matched up agaisnt him xD
QUOTE (Maelstrom @ 17 Nov 2016, 9:28) *
That's the idea. I'd be glad to hear those reasons. Most of the "banned bugs" are adressed in 1.201.
And it's even compatible with Gameranger (yeah because I know he doesn't like SWRnet)

?? how to set it up on gameranger
QUOTE (zourv @ 15 Jan 2017, 1:44) *
?? how to set it up on gameranger

you use swr net.
QUOTE (zourv @ 14 Jan 2017, 23:44) *
?? how to set it up on gameranger

Forget what I said there. I learned afterwards that GameRanger didn't keep up with 1.2. Use
My new offer for modmakers
QUOTE (Angel @ 15 Mar 2017, 21:21) *
My new offer for modmakers

Perhaps, share some info about exactly what kind of mod it is?

You say you have an idea of what can and can't be done in SAGE, but I'd rather not be trapped in an impossible mission.
If I say I know it means I know. In any case, I said also that I don't answer for mere curiosity, if you are ready to work - write in skype, but I don't think you are.
I feel like i just watched a parody of the Shadow Broker from Mass Effect - modding edition. You know - if you wanna make modders interested in more than just a good laugh - perhaps instead of that Oscar worthy youtube video, you could provide actual facts here. What the mod is about, what needs to be done, and most importantly since you said money is involved - how you're gonna pay - and when. Cause you know - in the world we live in - no one is gonna do your mod with the promise of money after - oh no baby - we live in the prostitute mentality world - money first or simply step by step. And just for the record - in order to attract attention you must first satisfy curiosity. Otherwise good luck finding the stupid one to take you seriously based on that marvel of cinematography alone. And drop the attitude - it will only get you a very non-gift filled birthday - and the clock is ticking.
QUOTE (Angel @ 17 Mar 2017, 16:43) *
If I say I know it means I know. In any case, I said also that I don't answer for mere curiosity, if you are ready to work - write in skype, but I don't think you are.

Well then, I'll be sure to let all my other modding friends, which include many of the most well known ZH modders around, know about how you responded to my question. Good luck finding someone for your project smile.gif
QUOTE (Angel @ 17 Mar 2017, 9:43) *
If I say I know it means I know. In any case, I said also that I don't answer for mere curiosity, if you are ready to work - write in skype, but I don't think you are.

No sane person would accept any job -paid or not- within such a tight delay without knowing what is asked before.
Oh my god, it's job to do mod, that's all you must know. You must have desire to work and accept my offer, than you will get details.
Look angel. people are not going to sign up to a commitment with a rather short timeline without knowing the details first of what the project entails.
its just stupid to commit to a contract blindly.
if you expect someone to agree to do this with the time frame you are expecting according to your video you need to give people more details.
There is enough information in video, all what modmaker must do is give himself answers to 2 questions: 1. Does he need extra money? And if he's answer is yes, he must answer to second question: does he want to earn this money by this way - to create mod. And if he answer yes to this question too, let he write in skype, and say: "I'm ready to accept your offer and cooperate with you, but I wanna know the details, and if it will be comfortable for me I will be working your mod". That is correct way of conversation. He know what's the job he must do: do the mod. It's the job he can do, he do such actions many times, what he need else? Why it's need to explain what is the job to do mod? He will do the same what he allready did earlier, but exactly what it's need to me, what I will say to do. And if he do it correctly he will get cash. Is it so hard to understand?
I can only say that base for my mod is shockwave 1.1, I'm gonna do alternative version.
For the last time, people will not accept an offer without getting the information first. Especially for something like a video game, because there are dozens of possible jobs with vastly different skill&tool requirements, such as coder, 2d artist, 3d artist, texture artist, animator, coder, SFX composer, music composer, scripter, story writer, voice actor etc etc. If you want a serious team, instead of having to go through potentially hundreds of requests that boil down to "Ok, I might help you, but I need the information." -> (you tell them) -> "Yeah no, fuck that." style conversations, state the requirements beforehand.
One more event for modmakers
QUOTE (Anubis @ 17 Mar 2017, 13:55) *
You know - if you wanna make modders interested in more than just a good laugh - perhaps instead of that Oscar worthy youtube video, you could provide actual facts here. What the mod is about, what needs to be done

you are damn right biggrin.gif Him advised exactly the same thing (to share detailed information) 2-3 years ago. But he stubbornly conceals everything in secret - and not because he wants to make a surprise. Simply because he has such a mentality and attitude of mind "reinforced concrete".
As far as I know some details - I would say that this work is quite easy money for those who are closely involved in modding - roughly speaking - this is a modification to the modification. And the depth of change is not so great as to formulate the idea of this modification in a couple of sentences. In this case it would be easier to lay out a detailed list of all the innovations regarding shw. Here in this he does not see the point smile.gif
I'm still amazed how Angel still posts his stuff here despite receiveing such backlash.
Determination or stuborness, hard to tell tongue.gif
Yeah, if he had that determination with learning how to mod this whole pay for mod thingy wouldnt be the case...
Maybe it is a way of getting attention...tongue.gif
I don't see any backlash. If you can't create mod or you just don't wanna do it, there is no necessary to find stupid reasons why nobody join me yet. You just can say: "I don't need money" or "I don't have enough time to work" or something else, but not this bullshit, that you can't accept my offer because you don't know all the details. I give enough information to make a decision. If your decision is no - I respect it, but there is no logics in such decision. And I still will be searching modmaker, who has normal logics and who makes correct decisions.
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