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SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave > ShockWave Battle Bunker
See this evidence and judge for ur self. Wilson is cheating. he was the only one playing while we had mismatch. He using a hack
Wilson`: -.-

He sent me this . But i still cant believe him.

I'm Wilson wink.gif
heres my whole gentool package (rep + 10 scrrenshots):

basically these guys [ {{__*LionS*__}} clan] are saying that im using cheats because:

1. Game mismatched
2. There is mismatch text on gentool screenshot but its not in the replay [u cant see ingame mismatch text]

plz someone review it and tell them... wacko.gif
Wilson is not a hacker hes just a little better then you.
TimeBurner is cheating!! Who cares? Lols
Nope,he is not cheating, its not his fault it mismatched
This forum is not a soapbox for you to name and shame so called "cheaters," regardless if they are actually cheating or not.
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