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Full Version: Zero Hour on Apple Mac Store
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave
Hi. I used to play Shockwave on my mac a lot but then lost my disk. Zero Hour and Generals were just re-released on the Apple Mac Store but in a container bundle. Any chance the Shockwave files and maps will be compatible with it and that someone might publish instructions? Looking forward to playing again! Thanks!
QUOTE (Deliverator @ 25 May 2015, 14:23) *
Hi. I used to play Shockwave on my mac a lot but then lost my disk. Zero Hour and Generals were just re-released on the Apple Mac Store but in a container bundle. Any chance the Shockwave files and maps will be compatible with it and that someone might publish instructions? Looking forward to playing again! Thanks!

Try this instructions.
Watch this vídeo: How To Install Shockwave On Origin
I don't see why downloaded user-made maps wouldn't work on C&C ZH re-released for the Mac.

What instructions do you mean? How to install containered ZH on Mac? How to install user maps on ZH? How to install ShockWave on top of ZH?
QUOTE (vectorguy @ 25 May 2015, 23:25) *
I don't see why downloaded user-made maps wouldn't work on C&C ZH re-released for the Mac.

What instructions do you mean? How to install containered ZH on Mac? How to install user maps on ZH? How to install ShockWave on top of ZH?

When I used to have discs I would have an automater script that would load and unload the shockwave files (for gameranger on Mac). The new release is in a single. ".app" file that includes generals and zero hour so not sure if I can access the old folder structure to pop the shockwave files in and out like I used to. I'm not a programmer but Automater was simple enough to move files around so I had a script for shockwave on and shockwave off... But now there is just the .app single file containing both Generals and ZH. (Still nice to have it back though! smile.gif
I presume you've seen

It looks like expansion/fan-made maps will work.

Do you know how this 'Mac version' works, i.e., if it runs on MacOS in a "bottle" as with CrossOver (Wine)? might give some tips on poking around inside the game file structure if it runs in a bottle.

I'm almost tempted to monkey around with this so I can avoid running Parallels in order to play Shockwave/ROTR, but I don't feel like spending $25 at the App store at the moment.

Good luck, let us know if you get it working.

QUOTE (vectorguy @ 26 May 2015, 19:18) *
I presume you've seen

It looks like expansion/fan-made maps will work.

Do you know how this 'Mac version' works, i.e., if it runs on MacOS in a "bottle" as with CrossOver (Wine)? might give some tips on poking around inside the game file structure if it runs in a bottle.

I'm almost tempted to monkey around with this so I can avoid running Parallels in order to play Shockwave/ROTR, but I don't feel like spending $25 at the App store at the moment.

Good luck, let us know if you get it working.

I had a look but it will take a better informed person than me to make it work (if it is possible). It was pretty easy to write the automator script to move SW files in and out of the ZH folders as needed (I prefer SW but used to play ZH on Gameranger with other mac users and not everyone had SW). The new app bundles from ASPYR wrap everything in one great bundle and I wouldn't know how to access it. Looks like also stuck with standard maps as there is no (easy for me anyway) way to add a folder into the bundle. If anyone gets it working with SW please let me know, it used to be great. Maybe I will just go back to my disk... smile.gif Thanks for the comments
The Shockwave mod does work with the Mac App Store version.

Just download the no-installer release:

Find the Game in your Mac Applications folder, right click on it and Show Package Contents
and put the .big files into your Zero Hour Data folder... then launch Zero Hour normally.

You can also change the zoom, I found a link here:

And here is the blog post from Aspyr about importing custom maps, but they never mention anything about mods...
Cool! It all works, custom maps, ShockWave, and no more lost disk to worry about. Thanks for your help!
Can you guys help me out? I also have the Mac App Store version and after I moved the files into the Zero Hour Data folder it just doesn't launch. Are you still supposed to change the name of the scripts folder? I remember reading on the no installer comments somebody saying to change the name of the scripts folder. Also, for some reason even before I installed the mod I was only able to launch generals from launchpad for some reason, maybe this has something to do with it. I have OSX Yosemite. Thanks for the help!
Never mind guys, I just deleted and redownloaded generals deluxe edition and installed shockwave and everything seems to work fine. Thanks for the instructions!
You can also change the zoom, I found a link here:

(This refers to editing GameCenterWindowTransitions.ini in the Mac's Data folder )

That doesn't seem to work with the Mac App store version of C&C Deluxe Edition. Shockwave installs and runs fine, though.

The above link says:

In addition to being updated to run on the modern OS X, new updates and features for Command & Conquer: Generals Deluxe Edition include:

Support for Retina displays and resolutions up to 4K and 5K

Is anyone still around here running the game natively on Mac?

(I'm back in the forum after two years. Last time I was here I was running Shockwave and ROTR via Parallels)

There's a *bit* more information here, but it's a couple years old:
D'oh! You have to put the modified GameCenterWindowTransitions.ini file in two locations, see attached.

QUOTE (Deliverator @ 19 Jun 2015, 18:57) *
Cool! It all works, custom maps...

How did you get the maps to work?

I have a feeling I won't get a reply, I'm about 3 years late with this question.
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