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Full Version: Possible to play Challenge with the vanilla factions?
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave
This has been asked before, but it was left unanswered.
Is it possible to play the Generals Challenge mode in Shockwave using the vanilla factions? I'd like to wreak havoc with Chinese Tigers. 8ani5.gif
QUOTE (Skoony @ 13 May 2015, 17:39) *
This has been asked before, but it was left unanswered.
Is it possible to play the Generals Challenge mode in Shockwave using the vanilla factions? I'd like to wreak havoc with Chinese Tigers. 8ani5.gif

After all these years I still dream of fully working Zh campaing with sw units as it could on earlier versions. That would fit vanila fac better, like hold the base mission for China with Tigers, or Burton carnage mission with exo suits. As for challanges I really expect them to be finaly fixed with maybe new ones for Inf, Armor, Salvage ge

Ektufall, damn I haven't seen you in ages. biggrin.gif

As for the issue at hand, I don't promise anything yet but I can try messing a bit around and see if I can solve both your idea things but not before june <.<
QUOTE (SoraZ @ 16 May 2015, 1:04) *
Ektufall, damn I haven't seen you in ages. biggrin.gif

As for the issue at hand, I don't promise anything yet but I can try messing a bit around and see if I can solve both your idea things but not before june <.<

biggrin.gif Have been lurking for far too long as guest

It's understandable that such update will take time , but there is no rush is there?

So after all there is possibility for such things to come alive?
Well, of course. It's being worked on right now actually. Priority is given to fixing ROTR at the moment of course, but things will pick up later.

As for the OP: Not really. The Generals Challenge screen has a limit of 12 buttons. We are using all 12 of them for each of our generals.

I'll also confirm here that fixed, improved, and even new Generals Challenges are being worked on.
I understand if it's not being made into the game like that, but is it possible via some coding or something? Altering some whatchamacallit?

For instance, you can get different generals in the challenge depending on whether you select vanilla ZH or Shockwave. If I load up the challenge start with vanilla ZH after having played a mission on Shockwave, I could face same general twice, for instance. Dunno if that made sense.
Lobo Solitario
You could probably mod your particular game so that one of the generals is replaced by a vanilla faction, but I don't know exactly what you'd need to change to make it work.
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