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Full Version: My Custom Hotkeys
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave
Hey guys!

I personally find hotkeys immensely important for production and micro so I made my own hotkeys to replace the inefficient layout of the default hotkeys.

The main two goals was to have everything on the left side of the keyboard so you don't have to move your hand at all to access everything.
Second is to bring consistency with aach faction so unit and building types are grouped to the same production key. For example Rifle infantry and Primary Tanks are always A, Rocket infantry and supply Depos are always D.

It's not perfect, for example I didn't bother with upgrades but I think it's definitely an improvement and worth trying if you'd like to increase the efficiency of your production and macro.

In the attached file I have included my hotkeys for Zero Hour, Shockwave, Rise of the Reds and Contra. Note they will not work together, each mod you play must have the correct hotkeys to go with it.
For this reason I'd recommend having multiple copies of your Zero Hour directory each assigned with its own Mod and Hotkey setup.
Each has it's own readme for installation.

I hope someone finds them beneficial.

Uuu me like, must try when I get home. A question: for another game (classic dota btw) I have used key-remaper or something like that, is there perhaps something similar for zero hour? Because that would simply assign all click-able slots in the interface to a custom key and it would be fixed for any mod? I'm not sure how that works exactly though, and it might be impractical.

Gonna definitely try this out, thanks. (Have the game for several years and never customized my hotkeys ughhh)
QUOTE (FabulousPug @ 10 May 2015, 10:13) *
A question: for another game (classic dota btw) I have used key-remaper or something like that, is there perhaps something similar for zero hour? Because that would simply assign all click-able slots in the interface to a custom key and it would be fixed for any mod? I'm not sure how that works exactly though, and it might be impractical.

No idea, I've never played around with that sort of things. Though I don't see why you would need to though with efficient custom hotkeys.
Oh nevermind, trying to complicate the simple and easy is just typical of me..
Btw I'm curious of which one of the general's gentlemen you are
(fan from youtube) aw.gif
QUOTE (FabulousPug @ 10 May 2015, 12:43) *
Btw I'm curious of which one of the general's gentlemen you are
(fan from youtube) aw.gif

QUOTE (GeneralsGentlemen @ 10 May 2015, 8:49) *
I hope someone finds them beneficial.



Any activity or engagement you see online from us is going to be me. ArchonHawk isn't very active since when it comes to dealing with the community, largely due to him not having internet at his house.
I must have missed the part where the legend is that explains which keys do what (beside "Rifle infantry and Primary Tanks are always A, Rocket infantry and supply Depos are always D"). FinalBig and Notepad don't seem to want to open the .str file.
QUOTE (vectorguy @ 10 May 2015, 16:27) *
I must have missed the part where the legend is that explains which keys do what (beside "Rifle infantry and Primary Tanks are always A, Rocket infantry and supply Depos are always D"). FinalBig and Notepad don't seem to want to open the .str file.

You don't need a legend. In game if you hover each unit, ability or building it will have a big bold yellow letter to represent what the hotkey is.
QUOTE (GeneralsGentlemen @ 10 May 2015, 18:14) *
You don't need a legend. In game if you hover each unit, ability or building it will have a big bold yellow letter to represent what the hotkey is.

Hmmm - doesn't seem to work here, but I have an odd setup (virtual Win7 via Parallels and a Mac laptop keyboard, so hotkey functioning is iffy and I can't run GenTool because there's no Insert key*).

I tried generals.str in the following:

\\psf\Home\Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data

C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour\Data

* Actually I'm just too lazy to remap.
QUOTE (vectorguy @ 10 May 2015, 20:02) *
Hmmm - doesn't seem to work here, but I have an odd setup (virtual Win7 via Parallels and a Mac laptop keyboard, so hotkey functioning is iffy and I can't run GenTool because there's no Insert key*).

I tried generals.str in the following:

\\psf\Home\Documents\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Data

C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour\Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour\Data

* Actually I'm just too lazy to remap.

Hmm, it's probably because it's an Origin copy. I can't say I've dabbled with Origin copy much so I have no idea.
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