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Full Version: GLA bikes
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave
Does anyone think combat cycles are a bit overpowered? Kassad's even more so. Small groups of bikes can sneak up on any part of the base, quite early, and demolish buildings like crazy. I've done it vs AI and also seen it in some replays - stealth bikes hunting down all the rockvees then moving from one structure to another destroying each in mere seconds..
Anyone else got the feeling the bikes were buffed too much compared to those in zero hour?
its not just the bikes mate
use helis, if you dont have them well ani8b.gif
It depends, they're probably better here than they are in ROTR/ZH but they're also more easier to detect and deal with in comparison. For Kassad's I'd slightly bump up the price since his are stealthed by default.

Kassad in general has a few problems in the current release, he's too good early on but too poor late game.
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