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Welcome to 2vs2 Shockwave 1.1 Released Tournament
Organizer: -Mr.$TriKeR^


- Do not use game cheats, hacks, and game bugs
- Gentool is a must ( set up -> replay observer: MDS and upload mode: KEEP ALL )
- Games should be played on GameRanger or Hamachi
- Save and Upload all replays and screenshots saved by Gentool (KEEP ALL upload mode) If you want sent it for my Skype: strikershockwave or my e-mail: (.rar this)
*Remember to compact them (replays and screenshot) in .rar format


1. If disconnect happened during first 60 seconds game must be replayed.
2. If disconnect happened after 60 seconds i decide what to do.

Version: Shockwave 1.1 Released Mod
Starting Cash : $ 10000
SW Limit : 1 (Limit Superweapons) - 1 SW for each player!-> There are not other rules! <- ( disregard what the map no way out says: no au, sw, demo bikes, nuke mig.... disregard this!
Armies : Free. ( You can choose your preferred general )
The position on the map: 1st match: Free Pos. then the loser choose pos in next match...
Maximum number of teams: 8
Games: Quarters(1/4) BO7. Semi-Final(1/2), 3rd Place and Final BO9.
Forbidden : Surrender too fast in order to give teammate power or money.
Must have : Latest GenTooL. Skype. Hamachi (Network Name: C&C Generals ZH Mods Password: No)
Hamachi is not necessary. Just if italic problems happen in Game Ranger !!!

* You can also play in GOL (CNC-ONLINE), Tunngle, Garena and any other means that you are able to connect!
*It seems obvious, but it is always worth repeating: The team will be the same until the end!
They will not be allowed to exchange his companion in the middle of the tournament!
*If the game crash, cause gentool is not 100% compatible with shockwave,
=> then go immediatly to Documents -> Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour -> Replays and rename 000000000.rep and save it!!!!

The games should follow the following order:

Quarters(1/4) (BO7) :

1st match: final empire (UP VS DOWN)
2nd match: Fallen Empire (ZH) Official Map (UP vs DOWN)
3rd match: no way out! (LEFT vs RIGHT)
4th match: 2vs2 tournament desert (UP VS DOWN)
5th match: landslide [shw] (LEFT vs RIGHT)
6th match: Tournament Island [ZH] Official Map (UP VS DOWN)
7th match: 2vs2 Barren Badlands (LEFT vs RIGHT)

Semi-Final(1/2), 3rd Place and Final (BO9):

1st match: final empire (UP VS DOWN)
2nd match: Fallen Empire (ZH) Official Map (UP vs DOWN)
3rd match: no way out! (LEFT vs RIGHT)
4th match: 2vs2 tournament desert (UP VS DOWN)
5th match: landslide [shw] (LEFT vs RIGHT)
6th match: Tournament Island [ZH] Official Map (UP VS DOWN)
7th match: 2vs2 Barren Badlands (LEFT vs RIGHT)
8th match: nowayoutv2 (LEFT vs RIGHT)
9th match: lone eagle [ZH] Official Map (UP vs DOWN)

Registration ends at 22'th May (22/05/2015)

To sign up leave a comment here, contact me on Skype : strikershockwave or send me an e-mail:
Prize: Glory

Download the maps required for the tournament here:
Or here:
Or ask me on Skype for this maps!

You will find this post also in this link:;#entry382550

Probable dates of the matches:

Quarters(1/4) => 23/05 - 1/06
Semi-Final(1/2) => 2/06 - 11/06
3rd Place and Final => 12/06 - 21/06

Have Fun Generals!
See you on the battlefield!
Why is it always shockwave and not RotR? Just asking... *goes back to lurking*
TeH MasTeReR
i'm in biggrin.gif
Me and Uber in the same team wink.gif
Three teams already signed up in the tournament:

Team 1:

-UBeR MiCrO` GR ID : 5085067 Skype: deman.abdallat
-DeSerT|FoXx` GR ID : 4877644 Skype: ahmado aj

Team 2:

-Mr.$TriKeR^ GR ID : 665098 Skype: strikershockwave my e-mail:
=Shade= GR ID : 651158 Skype: fear_shadow from Ilhas Cook (Cook Island)

Team 3 - Generals Gentlemen ( )

TeH MasTeReR

Team number 4
5779320 Hazzard on Gameranger
5088726 Boss|Masterer
These guys are looking for a friend to participate in the tournament:

GameRanger Nicknames and ID accounts + Skype:

DustINRhodes id: 5182390 Skype: sanya_7997

Gea id: 6158366 Skype: facebook:gastonearanda

-El Soldado-Universal-(Arg) id: 4945966

Col. Burton id: 4852677 Skype: ajizzlemvp

Set id: 3166526

E-3 id: 760269

IEIGIYIFighteR id: 5248913 Skype: saeedegy / facebook:saeed.ahmed.129794
I`m and DustyRhodes IN!
8 Teams:

Team 1:

-UBeR\MiCrO` GR ID : 5085067 Skype: deman.abdallat
-DeSerT|FoXx` GR ID : 4877644 Skype: ahmado aj

Team 2:

-Mr.$TriKeR^ GR ID : 665098 Skype: strikershockwave my e-mail:
=Shade= GR ID : 651158 Skype: fear_shadow from Ilhas Cook (Cook Island)

Team 3 - Generals Gentlemen ( )

PwnageMachine GR ID: 1674752
ArchonHawk GR ID: 3462765

Team 4

BoSs|MasTeReR' GR ID: 5088726
-HazZarD GR ID: 5779320

Team 5

DustINRhodes GR ID: 5182390 Skype: sanya_7997
AIR-Z|RUS GR ID: 4936009 Skype: pusciferfly

Team 6

Gea GR ID: 6158366 Skype: facebook:gastonearanda
unknown GR ID: 3405857 Skype: zakariya433

Team 7

|E|G|Y|FighteR GR ID: 5248913 Skype: saeedegy / facebook:saeed.ahmed.129794
|E|G|Y| viper GR ID: 5628780 Skype: quitdiplomat10676

Team 8

ADM KENIA (GEO) GR ID: 4925767 Skype: live:giokenia
stalker GR ID: 6220289
i will join too Generals smile.gif)
i will join too generals smile.gif
Hello Generals, the Tournament has started
Good games for everyone!

See the bracket:

So were the teams distributed:

Team 1 vs Team 4
-UBeR\MiCrO` BoSs|MasTeReR'
-DeSerT|FoXx` -HazZarD

Team 2 vs Team 8
=Shade= stalker

Team 6 vs Team 5
Gea DustINRhodes
unknown AIR-Z|RUS

Team 3 vs Team 7
PwnageMachine |E|G|Y|FighteR
ArchonHawk |E|G|Y| viper

Upload all the Tournament's Replays to ShockWave Battle Bunker -> 2 vs 2 -> 2vs2 Shockwave 1.1 Released Tournament Replays
Upload there ->
Compress the replays in .rar format (use winrar software)
*Preferably upload the replays.
If you can not upload to the forum send the replays to my email: or for me in Skype: strikershockwave
There was no match and so that no team feel offended, the tournament is canceled
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