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Full Version: Angel Shockwave 1.1 Replay Pack
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65 Replays - Angel Shockwave 1.1 Replay Pack
It's silly to save all the replays you play and it's more silly to show it.
QUOTE (Angel @ 1 May 2015, 2:44) *
It's silly to save all the replays you play and it's more silly to show it.

Angel Dear friend, if you look closely there is not only replays that I saved ....
but there are other replays I've downloaded from gentool considering that at that time was gentool uploading replays by GameRanger yet...
On the other hand, the replays are a source of study for developers to realize the flaws and create patches that can fix bugs ...
I'm sure 90% of this replays is bullshit, because there are no so many games, which is realy interesting for anything.
QUOTE (strikershockwave @ 1 May 2015, 12:49) *
On the other hand, the replays are a source of study for developers to realize the flaws and create patches that can fix bugs ...

LOL, only 1 person dowloaded that replay pack, and i think it was angel.
Not everybody has time to watch 65 replays Squak, I cant even be bothered to save every game tongue.gif
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