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Full Version: Epic Replay Versus 2 Laser Generals
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave > ShockWave Battle Bunker

It was an epic game and I was sure we were going to lose. But in the end, Sheridans prevailed!


-USAF Ground Forces
-A toxicating turtle, Grimlock
-The Laser Crusader MedX
-Neverleaveyoualone Angel
I think we could win, if my partner would not be noob and capture at start both derricks and tech building in the center. Everything knows, that in this map one takes resources, other takes derricks.
That's nonsense, my ally ecoboomed too, that couldn't have made that big of a difference. You could and should have won because the Laser General is so broken, the only thing that makes this replay noteworthy is that you, (you in particular, not MedX), lost against Air Force General's GROUND FORCES, so don't give me that crap.

Everyone fought well, but making up petty excuses like that is just repulsive.

You really wasn't better than him (or worse), even if you played well.
I can't download the file anymore ?
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