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Full Version: Problem with origin
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave
I have installed Shockwave 1.1 and have installed it on my computer. Then I launched the game and it was working until I clicked start in the launch menu. The launch then took me to Origin and origin opened up a menu to choose which generals game. I obviouslly chose ZH and it loaded ZH and ignored the shockwave load. Can anyone tell me what did I do wrong?
Sofar nobody has actualy been able to get any zerohour mods working on the origin version sad.gif
Well there is this.
I know there's probably someone else who said this already, but what I did was install shockwave into a separate folder, then renamed all the .gib files to .big files, then put it into the ZH directory, then loaded the game up as normal, it should load shockwave instead of ZH, the only issue I have is that the gen challenge doesn't work, but skirmish works just fine, this also works for ROTR as well.
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