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I'm having a hard time beating opponents who are using China Special Weapons general to the point that I'm avoiding anyone who uses this general.

Does this general really has any weak points? I mean, she's ridiculously good in defense, and she can kill everything, from miles away.

With the exception of rushing I don't see any options. I tend to play with China Infantry general or GLA.

What can you possibly do when hammer cannons, grinders and buratino's are sneaking up on you combined with the most dreadful unit of them all, the dual gattling tank.

any ideas/advice?
She has very very poor defense against tanks , her units are rather expensive for a chineese general , shes still slow so very rushable , Essentially shes pretty powerful if you give her time to prepare which is something you want to avoid.
QUOTE (Zhao @ 13 Apr 2011, 23:14) *
She has very very poor defense against tanks , her units are rather expensive for a chineese general , shes still slow so very rushable , Essentially shes pretty powerful if you give her time to prepare which is something you want to avoid.

Her units are not that expensive if you compare them with other generals. And I believe she has the best defense against tanks for a China General. None of the other generals have a hellstorm cannon.

I believe only in close combat she has a slight disadvantage against tanks.

I do rush her, but I prefer not to because I like the game to last longer.
InfGen can thrash Leang if you have time and money, and multiple ways into her base. Spam Tankhunter squads, hundreds of them. Charge on ahead with spammed and I mean a lot of Assault Troop Crawlers. You gotta close the distance with the Assault Troop Crawlers, they're just decoy and the Minigunners are too, but they can do some damage. Toss some tanks in if you want. Tankhunter squads, that you've spammed the hundreds with, charging in behind the Assault Troop Crawlers. Move them all at once, not only the Assault Troop Crawlers, or the advance'll be useless. Sure, she might have Adv. Dragon Tanks but they can't do anything if they can't get close enough. You'd probably be wrecked by Hammer Cannons though, so you might want some genpoints/planes to kill them.

Well, that's assuming the both of you have millions of credits to spare. If you're playing the standard kind of game...
QUOTE (mcwaffles @ 13 Apr 2011, 20:33) *
I'm having a hard time beating opponents who are using China Special Weapons general to the point that I'm avoiding anyone who uses this general.

Does this general really has any weak points? I mean, she's ridiculously good in defense, and she can kill everything, from miles away.

With the exception of rushing I don't see any options. I tend to play with China Infantry general or GLA.

What can you possibly do when hammer cannons, grinders and buratino's are sneaking up on you combined with the most dreadful unit of them all, the dual gattling tank.

any ideas/advice?

She's definitely one of the toughest against the AI, because her Hammar Cannons are so powerful and long ranged, and they'll attack from such a distance that ground forces will just sit there and get obliterated unless you're actively watching them.

Like the others said, rushing her early on is an option (ex. with the Tank General) since her tanks are not extremely powerful. What I do is always do everything my power to take out her Hammer Cannons, even at the sacrifice of my own units. They cost 1800 a piece, so her losses will be equal or greater than yours every time you elimiate one - for example as Alexander - I'll teleport my Enforcers, or send Auroras, directly into her base just to annihilate her hammer cannons even if this means that my units will be lost.

Against the AI, it's slightly more unfair because it really eeems like the AI can crank out more units than it actually has funds for, but this tactic still helps as long as you make sure to keep adequate funds coming in.
QUOTE (mcwaffles @ 13 Apr 2011, 14:33) *
I'm having a hard time beating opponents who are using China Special Weapons general to the point that I'm avoiding anyone who uses this general.

Does this general really has any weak points? I mean, she's ridiculously good in defense, and she can kill everything, from miles away.

With the exception of rushing I don't see any options. I tend to play with China Infantry general or GLA.

What can you possibly do when hammer cannons, grinders and buratino's are sneaking up on you combined with the most dreadful unit of them all, the dual gattling tank.

any ideas/advice?

I play inf general quite a bit, with the helix being a key offensive/defensive unit. Upgrade the helix with armor and prop tower, load up on rocket troops and 1 (or 2) mini-gunners, upgrade mini-gunner weapon, upgrade prop tower.

Crank out some listening posts but remove all rocket troops (put them in your heilix's or bunkers) and position listening posts outside of your base but off to the side of any routes used by incoming units. Objective is to use listening posts as early warning (ie, extend your mini-map), and without the rocket troops they won't try firing on any enemy units (thus giving away their position).

Purchase the napalm upgrade (to improve effects of generals power = napalm bomber/strike).

Move Lotus up closer to leang's base to provide early warning of incoming sharks and generals powers (eg, bombers).

Keep an eye on the mini-map. Use your helix's to attack ground units before they can get close to your base. Obviously (?) concentrate on taking out the gattling tanks and listening posts (w/ rocket troops inside) first. When damaged make sure you fly the helix back to base to heal (@ airfield, or by a prop tower). While infantry will get credit for most of the kills, eventually your helix will earn some chevrons ... this helps a *LOT* in terms of beefing up the helix defense and self-healing ability (eg, gattling tanks become much less of a threat ).

Try to keep a pair of helix's positioned between your bases. When Lotus shows incoming sharks and/or generals powers (eg, bombers), have your helix's fly out to meet the threat and then 'escort' them back to your base. Your rocket troops and mini-gunners will shred most (all?) of the threats before they can reach your base.

When it comes time to attack her base ... use your generals powers (eg, emp/neutron-upgrade, napalm bombers) to punch a hole through the outer defense ring and send ground units through the hole as a distraction ... use your artillery generals power (and nuke?) to take out any groupings of gattling tanks in the middle of the base; while all of this is going on send in your helix's to wreak havoc ... keeping an eye out for air defenses (ie, concentrate on taking out any air defenses early on) ... you may even consider using a few empty helix as decoy's.

Another option is to use inferno cannons to punch a hole through her defenses. Use tanks, fully-manned listening posts and assault troop carriers and helix's to defend the inferno cannons.

If she builds her super weapon then consider concentrating on either destroying the weapon (eg, artillery and your own nuke, or a combo of your gen powers) or taking out enough power plants to shutdown her super weapon.

During any attacks on her base you'll also want lotus in on the deal ... have her capture as many buildings as possible. When she captures a building, leave the building alone ... it'll act as a decoy to keep leang's units occupied (ie, they'll concentrate their attacks on the building thus giving you some time to wreak havoc before they turn their attention back to you).

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