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Full Version: Laser general challenge agaist toxin
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave > ShockWave Battle Bunker
I cant freaking beat this level in 1.1 on hard, the toxin general used to suck, now he just throws these unbeatable combos at me, like, AA+ToxinTractors+Bomb truck rush+ scourge launchers, and those damn battle buses with the toxic grenadiers and they rape everything, I can secure the starting island with palidins, but then as soon as he brings in the arty i cant do anything agaist him, and the avengers don't hit the missiles early enough
So ahem...where did your F-22 and FB-22s go?
When in doubt, spam Comanches 8I.gif .
laser stealth fighters
QUOTE (Zeke @ 5 Apr 2011, 5:08) *
laser stealth fighters

Perhaps the greatest assett of General townes.

Use bombers to take out the stingers and have these bad-boys patrol the area.

Get them on quick shortcuts in case you need to pull them out of AA though.

Plus, can't avengers block his arty?
Try it the other way around. Defeating Hard laser general with Toxin General.

You'll get a cookie badge if you do that.
well i finnaly beat it 8llaniflip.gif used stealth fighter spam with commanchies and paladins
QUOTE (rdrdrdrd @ 27 Mar 2011, 0:19) *
I cant freaking beat this level in 1.1 on hard, the toxin general used to suck, now he just throws these unbeatable combos at me, like, AA+ToxinTractors+Bomb truck rush+ scourge launchers, and those damn battle buses with the toxic grenadiers and they rape everything, I can secure the starting island with palidins, but then as soon as he brings in the arty i cant do anything agaist him, and the avengers don't hit the missiles early enough

I have a great strategy for defeating Thrax as the Laser General.

Don't even worry about tanks or ground forces (other than infantry to capture the oil derrick to the east - don't worry about the derrick to the north, it will be destroyed). Just build numerous Laser Turrets (build as many as possible north of your base, as in 5-6, with 4 active at all times as a bare minimum), and keep a minimum of 3 just to the right of the Oil Derrick to the east. Also keep dozers near the turrets at all times to rebuild/repair them (as well as the eastern oil derrick), and rebuild dozers as necessary.

Have the Turrets destroy buildings/tents which block their firing range when they get a chance - if you have 3 turrets to the east, then no Bomb Trucks will get through, and the turrets will intercept all Scourge missiles fired at it and protect the oil derrick. The turrets to the north with also be able to completely intercept any missiles fired at them, as well as annhilate any units he throws at you. The only exception are the rocket buggies (laser turrets can't intercept them).

Just collect supplies all the while and build up your base to get a particle cannon as soon as possible. When he builds his Scud Storm, use your particle cannon and all your Generals' powers (Drone Bombers, fuel air bomb, even Spectre Gunship or Hornet strike) to annhilate the Scud Storm - if he hits you with it and your power or defenses go down, the battle could be over and I've never taken the chance to find out.

Once you've got a Strategy center, start cranking out Railgun artilleries, and use these to destroy his rocket buggies from afar (the rocket buggies, and the Battle Busses loaded with grenadier soldiers should be your only real threat to your defenses at this point). Choose the Search and Destroy strategy to increase the range of your laser turrets, and purchase the Focusing Crystal upgrade to increase their damage - these will help out too. And build as many Supply Drop Pads as possible to increase your funds (you should have some ready by the time your Supply pile runs out).

At this point, his attacks will eventually dwindle slightly, and your funds with begin to increase dramatically - now is when you'll actually start building your attack force, including tanks, artillery, and possibly laser commanches. Another good upgrade is the Laser Point Defense for your vehicle battle drones - this allows them to intercept missiles. Start by taking out his base to the east, then continue to build up your forces and when you're ready, eliminate his northern base. The battle will be yours.
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