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Full Version: Basic strategies against China as GLA & USA
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave > ShockWave Battle Bunker
Negative Zero
First of all, I am a turtler. I say this with modest shame, it has led to skirmish rounds being too samey & boring and facing an opponent other than GLA it is apparent that it is ineffective so I'm looking to break out of this habit. A GLA enemy is the easiest to me followed by USA but I always seem to struggle against China and it involves many restarts.

So as the other two factions, what are the important things to do, the critical steps when facing this side in 1v1 rounds?

(I'm being general in my question so I really refer to strategies that work with any GLA/USA vanilla/subfaction vs China vanilla/subfaction)

are you refering to playing against a Real game or fighting AI ? both play out entirely diffrent , there are millions of ways to exploit them but with a player your dealing with one who can think as you can , so tell me which are you fighting AI or a Player.

~if you can get on my network and chat with me there
Negative Zero
It's against Hard AI.
The Chinese strategy is always "strategic above tactical", so they always mass units, and before you know it, they can hold about 2/3 of the map, leaving you little options but die.
They first captures the techs and supplies, then mass-build units from the resources, and then mass you. Deny then the supplies, and hold the line. NEVER turtle around your base.

10000$ , tournament desert , Salvage general (Aaron) vs China (hard army)

Produce 4 workers.

1st worker will go towards the Primary supply in the map.
2nd worker will produce a barracks from that point you build 2 rebels tell them to go to BOTH oils and then purchase the capture upgrade
Or to make this faster click your barrack once its built and press B B and then C (capture upgrade)
have the 3rd and 4th worker Deploy tunnels in the middle, you will NEED map control to hold of the surge attack by china about 4 mintues into the game

Once this is taken care of , have your 3rd and 4th workers build a supply next to middle supply's in the map , always create 5 workers per supply stash to collect from to get rewarded for this map control advantage

afterward , you should have both the oils captured and the enemy should be sending soliders to destroy his oil closest to him considering you captured it before him.

Now you want to push 2 WFs in the middle and 2 or 3 flank defenses on the sides

the 1st unit from the warfactory should be a scout to deal with chinas pretech artillery AKA mortar men.

Don't bother using the machine gun just run them over , you will lose the scout but its better then having the middle taking over.

afterwards push with Tanks and quad cannons non stop , you might wanna build a tank at 1st then pump a quad ASAP to deal with the Migs.

after that its bacon , keep pushing Tanks and quad cannons , and start building a palace and scrap yards to keep the troop push constant

eventually it will result in...

This is how you defeat a enemy china with a GLA faction.

Here is the replay for more help , good luck have fun and keep improving!

Click to view attachment

EDIT: displayed startout.
Negative Zero
Thanks guys.

I'll try this out later tonight. I'm a filthy turtler but with god on my side I will overcome this terrible affliction. Much appreciated.
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