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Full Version: Coal Reactors Upgrade?
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave
Should General Leang's Coal Reactors get an upgrade to boost the units of power each reactor could make? I am drawing inspiration from ROTR's Russia Faction, where an upgrade can double the smoke stacks of their Coal Reactors and increase energy output by 50% (8 to 12 units of power). Since Leang is not a nuclearized faction, it makes sense for her to use coal as a power source instead, though it generates slightly less energy (8 units vs 10 units for regular Nuclear Reactors).
I am not sure if this will make her a little too OP. I thought about this, and there are some ways that can help her balance with other factions. Her reactors cost $800 each, whereas regular US Cold Fusion Reactors cost S1000 (with control rods and 10 units of power total), Townes's reactors cost $1050 (16 units of power), Alexander's reactors cost $1300 (20 units of power), and Tao's reactors cost $1200 (18 units of power). Either Leang's reactors should cost $1000 each after the upgrade, or have the upgrade itself not be too cheap and cost $1500-2000. Another possibility is to have the upgrade cost $1000-1500 and energy output is increased by 25% for 10 units of power if she may be too OP with an $800 reactor generating 12 units of power.

I will say that Coal Reactors take up the most room out of any power source in the game, and Leang's Repair Station takes up much more room than the Propaganda Tower. Also, Coal Reactors are not Nuclear Reactors and do not have the ability to Overcharge.

I think this upgrade does not sound like a bad idea at all.
I have a better idea,

Let's NOT add the upgrade and not give it to the current Russia faction either,

They shouldn't have good power and it should be a weakness to them.....

Hell lets go even further, let's give the Russians powerplants as weak as Leangs

Overcharge is a rarely used gimmick and that's the point of the coal plants.
They are not efficient, they don't blow up, they are weak and fragile

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