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Full Version: Several questions.
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave
1. Will there be a new update for this? For instance, bug fixes on Pathfinders on snow maps, General Tao's Nuke Silos, and Leang not speaking on Challenge mode.

2. I don't know if I just missed it but are General Fai, Ironside, and Deathstrike not available as your opponents on Challenge mode?

3. I might be getting hopeful on this but will there be proper missions for USA, China, GLA? At least just implement the missions on vanilla one onto Shockwave mod but with new Shockwave mod's units and buildings?
Sorry for not answering this already.

Yes I am currently working on a new update which fixes the bugs you mentioned and more. Don't ask me for a release date; the usual SWR policy of "it's released when it is done" applies. This should also add in the GCs we had to cut from 1.2's release, which will include Generals Fai, Ironside, and Deathstrike.

And while I am updating the minigames to account for some of the changes in the new version, "proper" campaigns will -not- be replacing them. It's far more than just replacing units and buildings as several of the cinematics use complicated scripts and models to do their thing, and this would take a very long time to replace to work with Shockwave.
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