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Full Version: - Multiplayer not working properly
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave
Me and a friend of mine have been using your multiplayer function a bunch of times now, and the results are even better than the plain LAN games, even if in the same room. You have my honest compliments for that.

What really grinds my gears though is that the connection to the server falters. Keeping the problem to myself for now - I know for sure that my laptop is more then able to carry this, either as host or join, and my router is perfectly capable with these things. E.G.: I can play Fortnite and League of Legends with smooth ping whatsoever; I can even play Fortnite on my PS4 and download stuff with high priority with μTorrent on my pc simultaneously. Somewhere between my pc and your server something goes amiss.

I've noticed a bunch of players are not even getting response from the support/development team when they open a similar topic, so I hope this topic can be a haven for all those who seek the same solution(s) as I do right now.

Sometimes I can see other players in the lobby, join them, play with them etc. It's all fine. But if I close the game, restart it (without Direct Connect) and check the lobby, it's completely empty again. This is literally a matter of mere minutes. If I restart it again, these people reappear. It's twisting my nuts because I can't find any clues or whereabouts to track down why this goes how it goes.

I haven't found any firm guidelines to the use of your network/server yet. Everything I know so far is pure experience. I'd like to know if I need to do anything special to utilize this option. Can you guys make a list of things one has to do in order to make use of this service without any problems? This can vary to settings in Shockwave, in the network adapter or some other configuration setup. Run it completely through. First setup, then certain settings, disable some bothersome programs which might interfere etc. The bigger the list you can come up with, the more people you'll help out.

Here's hoping you guys care enough about the loyal players in your community.

Note: I will not use any third-party programs because that'd be absolutely redundant.
As far as I know from the issues you are getting is that SWRnet has already worked before with you and that if you have Direct Connect on and you cannot see anyone despite the server saying that there are people present (in the little box on the launcher) then you will need to restart the game without direct connect. If you are without direct connect and it's not working then trying turning it on.

Secondly, when opening up your game with SWRnet on, don't forget to select the SWRnet IP address.
Your normal IP address will be the one that you will be likely more familiar with such as 196.XXX etc.
While the SWRnet one always starts with 10.XXX etc.

In other words, upon starting the game, go to Options, go down to LAN IP address and change it to 10.XXX etc. where Xs are numbers.

If that STILL doesn't work then try turning off your firewall, or making sure generals.exe and swrnet has access to other private networks (your computer will usually give you this notification after closing the game after going into multiplayer/LAN. Make sure your game is run as administrator.

Finally, if that doesn't work then you might need to change the port that swrnet goes through in the launcher settings for the mod or you might even need to port-forward the port that is used by SWRnet and/or Generals ZH which you can also find in the launcher settings for the mod.
Unfortunately I don't know enough about port-forwarding to tell you how it works or how to do it, you will need to find a tutorial on the internet for doing it for your specific router.

Sorry for the late reply, and I hope that helps a lot in solving your connection problems.

Thanks and have fun tongue.gif

PS. Next time post any support issues in the support subforum above
That's some useful information, thanks for the tech support.

While forwarding is next level stuff, I'll try the other things you listed when I run into trouble again.

I would like to know what IP uses though. The 10 triple-x-rated stuff is new to me.

Cheers in advance.
Ah, when the game starts with swrnet on (and working correctly), go to options and (again, if working correctly) you should be able to go to the LAN IP address and change it to the IP starting with 10.

The IP is not 10.XXX, the "X"'s continue and the IP is more likely to look like something else, it will be a slightly longer string.

Attached you will find what the LAN IP should look like; again, the numbers after the 10 will vary as that's how it's supposed to work, but you must make sure it starts with the 10 for it to be able to work.
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