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Is there a list somewhere of all the game units for Shockwave, for example:


I'm trying to do some ShockWave modding on a Mac and have to use a hex editor since FinalBIG is Windows-only and Game Extractor is a pain to work with. For the Aspyr version of C&C:ZH, placing modified INI files in Data/INI/Objects doesn't work (unless I'm doing something wrong)

It would be easier to search inside the BIG files with the hex editor if I have the exact names.
Hang on, I'll extract Shockwave's INI file to a google doc.
I can't edit posts for some reason...

Here it is.
Thank you, but I already have that.

What I'm looking for is all the units' *names* that belong *within*, say, Objects\AmericaVehicle.ini (from !Shw_ini.big).

Is there an easy way to extract those names aside from scrolling through an extracted !Shw_ini.big and copypasting the official unit names into a text document?

See screencap below of what AmericaVehicle.ini in Game Extractor looks like. the text in the preview panel is not copyable.

What it looks like in a hex editor:

Objects/AmericaVehicle.INI in it's entirety below.

As far as SWR team mods go, they tend to put each unit into it's own .INI file, such as Data\INI\Object\USA\Vanilla\Vehicles\Humvee.INI

Are you sure you have the latest version of shockwave? Because what I'm seeing doesn't match up with the one I just downloaded and extracted...
QUOTE (Serialkillerwhale @ 27 Mar 2018, 17:30) *
Are you sure you have the latest version of shockwave? Because what I'm seeing doesn't match up with the one I just downloaded and extracted...

Yes, but I'm modding the Apple App Store (Aspyr) version of C&C:ZH + latest ShockWave which apparently doesn't function the same. I've tried extracting to the INI/Objects folder and it does nothing.

Should the folder be named Objects, or Object?

QUOTE (Serialkillerwhale @ 27 Mar 2018, 23:25) *

OK, thanks. That doesn't seem to work either. Not sure what the file paths should be on the Mac and of course Aspyr won't help since I'm modding (I've already asked them).

Is this below the actual path used in Windows?


Can someone paste a screenshot of Windows File Explorer?

Technically that's the Paladin Tank for ROTR, (which I made shoot a little red beam out of it's laser sight), but the path is the same, just swap "America" out for "USA".

In any case, no offense, but wouldn't just using Virtual Machine to run Finalbig be easier than all of this?
No offense at all, I'm just new at modding the Mac version of ZH and not sure how everything works (how the different folders interact). I'm also not sure that creating new folders on the Mac version for modified INIs functions - it doesn't seem to work so far.

Are you saying I can run FinalBIG in Windows via Parallels VM but edit files on the Mac partition? That actually never occurred to me.

It's as if ZH (Aspyr version) for Mac doesn't work the same but it's entirely (maybe likely) possible I'm doing things wrong and there are so few people running ZH on Mac natively that it's hard to get good advice.

I could just run ShockWave on BootCamp Windows (like I do now for ROTR 1.87), but I'm running out of space on that partition and rebooting to Mac for email, etc. is a bit of a pain.

Thanks again.

I mean, I don't actually have a Mac myself, but in theory it's just opening a .BIG file. IIRC, the difference between a VM and something like Bootcamp is that it doesn't use a partition or any rebooting.
I already have a Boot Camp partition with Windows installed on it as well as Parallels installed on the Mac. When running, Mac Parallels reads the Windows installation from the Boot Camp partition so that I don't have to have Windows installed twice.
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