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Full Version: Very important question about shockwave STR file
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave
Please, answer me one question, it is very important for me. Is there some limit in STR file to number of lines, or something like that? I did description for my mod, but in one moment mod stoped to launch. We found out that the problem is STR file, when I did backup to past version, mod works, but with the last version of STR, where I added about 7-8 descriptions mod is not launched, what's the problem, could anybody help, please?
I've never encountered a limit for the STR file, perhaps there's simply wrong (like a missing ", or some kind of typo) with one of those new descriptions.
Thank you, it was problem with new descriptions, but more tricky, than you said. smile.gif But now everything is ok.
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