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Full Version: A few words about my mod
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave
Friends! Day after day approaching the moment when my mod will be completed. Now I'm trying to collect all people, who like shockwave in my chat in skype: Join, guys. You can watch two videos (third one will be soon), where I show some new stuff in my mod. There is Russian language there, but picture doesn't have language, and you can see something usefull in any case. First part Second part

Also in this topic you can ask any questions and offer any ideas for my mod. Maybe in the next posts I will tell about my mod with more details, if you will have interest for that. I hope for a constructive conversation, without reproaches and insults, thank you.
Hello Angel,

I'm very excited to see another mod coming to shockwave. i will support you by giving my personal thoughts about what i (DON'T) like about your work so far. i have only seen one of your video's up to now, i will watch your second video later. wink.gif


The idea of such a big air balloon just doesn't fit the faction (at all). i would honestly scrap that concept -
I like your idea about that propaganda statue!, but make it a buildable structure instead of a score streak. just like China's propaganda tower -
Give that statue a special ability instead of a simple "healing system", maybe a "Violence system"? where troops gain a couple per cent more damage/speed? -


Advanced airfield: I personally don't like the idea of that sloppy looking shield -
it ruins the look of the structure entirely, maybe you should give it a very low opacity instead? -
That shield would honestly fit more on the super weapon faction instead of air force -
Remove that stationary helicopter from the airfield, it looks sloppy and unnecessary -
Remove those 4 SAM turrets around the airfield, it feels unbalanced and unfair to be instantly attached to the airfield -
Cool idea of that tank flare system!, but make sure to add a cool down system unto it -


A nuke canon spawn beacon is unrealistic and overpowered (You really shouldn't do that) -
If you decide to keep that Nuke canon beacon, add it to the nuclear faction instead. and give it a 2 minute cool down at least -
Also remove the nuke canon option from the factory if you decide the add a Nuke canon beacon, simply to keep things balanced -

That's it for now!
I will give you more tips/advice later..
I'm seeing a lot of potential for this mod, Keep up the good work! smile.gif

If I can give you an advice, don't release it, by respect to the original creators of some of the assets. Some of them are taken from Operation Firestorm, others from Contra, and some from Rise of the Reds.

Aside from that, it adds some craziness to ShockWave, which isn't a bad thing.
However, I don't understand why you nuke cannons automatically explode, do they have a build limit ?
For JasonGunfire: thank you for your reviews. I can only say you two things. Firstly, you see alpha version in the videos, in the realise everything will be ok, it will be cooldowns, it will be balanced, don't be afraid. Secondly: my mod is not for enjoying of pretty models, effects etc, it's about your opinion about shield of superairfield, I don't care about that, there is only one important thing for me - gameplay.

For Maelstrom: 1. I respect all creators of all mods, all the mods will be listed in the credits. 2.There will not be anything craziness, gameplay of shockwave will be as earlier, I just add some interesting things and new conceptions to make gameplay more interesting, but I promise it will not be craziness. 3. Nuke cannons automatically explode because it is decomissioned nuke cannons.
Well, itīs your mod so I respect your choices!

i am happy as long as you keep things balanced tongue.gif
There are nice news, generals. Third part of review about my mod is available now!
Could someone suggest how to get the music back in shockwave?
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