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Full Version: Hellow! Does anyone know how to play this on lan?
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave
Greetings dear Generals, me and a friend would like to play this together, we have the same, from the ultimate collection on origin, legit,patched, same versions of mods, what is the best way? hamachi has vpn problems as always so could tunggle work? or any other/better way you guys know?
You could use SWR net if your distant to each other
A lan connection can be used if you got a lan network setup
QUOTE (JSkellinton @ 31 Dec 2016, 5:57) *
Greetings dear Generals, me and a friend would like to play this together, we have the same, from the ultimate collection on origin, legit,patched, same versions of mods, what is the best way? hamachi has vpn problems as always so could tunggle work? or any other/better way you guys know?

Just played one game of PVP yesterday on SWRnet with a new Discord member after almost a year without Shockwave biggrin.gif Hop in General!
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