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Full Version: noob here, need some advice
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave
Hi everyone. So I'm new around here and am rather stuck on the Leang/special weapons vs Granger/Air Force challenge. I've just gotten to the point where I can hold my own on medium difficulty and have done pretty well so far, but fuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh I just can seem to beat this guy with his never ending jets. I've tried gatling tanks, gatling towers, emc to scramble the rockets, rush to attack, turtling, planes of my own, nothing seems to work. I get ground down until at some point I cant keep up and his planes obliterate me.

I would appreciate any help, I really enjoy shockwave but my gawd its annoying. I know its just my own inexperience killing me here. Thanks in advance for your help

QUOTE (jhbox @ 5 Nov 2016, 15:45) *
Hi everyone. So I'm new around here and am rather stuck on the Leang/special weapons vs Granger/Air Force challenge. I've just gotten to the point where I can hold my own on medium difficulty and have done pretty well so far, but fuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh I just can seem to beat this guy with his never ending jets. I've tried gatling tanks, gatling towers, emc to scramble the rockets, rush to attack, turtling, planes of my own, nothing seems to work. I get ground down until at some point I cant keep up and his planes obliterate me.

I would appreciate any help, I really enjoy shockwave but my gawd its annoying. I know its just my own inexperience killing me here. Thanks in advance for your help

Don't bother with gattling cannons as buildings wil be destroyed very easy. I have played many times agianst Granger/Air Force with almost all generals and I would suggest this:

Build Gatling Cannons, together with speaker towers. Don't forget to capture the oil derricks in the south. Build at another of 2 supply trucks and get the Internet Center.

Build a Repair station to repair your gatling tanks. About the amount of gatling tanks. build about 20 and you can hold the defense. Don't bother to build airfields. IT is all about Gatling Cannons because those planes can't dodge bullets as they can dogde rockets.

As special powers i would suggest the artillery cannon and cash hack. Also. Build Nuclear Silos. It may take a while to have 1.
I hope I have helped you with this.
QUOTE (OhaahO @ 7 Nov 2016, 22:03) *
Don't bother with gattling cannons...

Build Gatling Cannons...

I assume you mean Gattling Tanks, since you also mentioned Speaker Towers (Leang doesn't have those though tongue.gif), and Repair Stations.
Thanks guys. I'll try my hand with your advice.
QUOTE (jhbox @ 26 Nov 2016, 1:16) *
Thanks guys. I'll try my hand with your advice.

If you still have any problems, just ask them. We are here to help. Right Zeke?
QUOTE (jhbox @ 26 Nov 2016, 1:16) *
Thanks guys. I'll try my hand with your advice.

Sorry for the dubble post. my mistake
alternate way:

important: granger is out of power

-send your first dozer toward his command Center.
-get 2 more dozer (+ Radar upgrade)
-dozer#2 should build a power plant, then a supply Depot(optional)
-dozer#3 builds a barraks to buy the capture upgrade asap, (optional: then 1 pair of redguards for those oil derricks).
-dozer#1 should by now Approach the enemy command Center, so have it build another barracks right next to it and order 5-6 pairs of redguards from it
- as for those redguard pairs, Position them as follow:
first pair: northern 2 airfields that are close thogether
second pair: one near a power plant, the other near that single northern airfield
third pair: between the eastern 2 airfields that are Close together.
pair 4+: south of the enemy barracks exit so they can kill trained infantry. have them being slightly spread out.

once pair #3 is in Position, order the one from pair #2 near the plant to capture it
once he started capturing it, order the other 5 to capture all airfields. this ensures that the plant is finished first capturing and stealing airfields wont accidently get power back online.
if done fast enough, he has no place for those first wave of raptures, or any other aircraft for that matter, they just end up hitting some redguards south of the enemy barraks (thats why slightly spread them out to mimimize this effect)
also, i have never seen him initiate that massive paradrop that starts his couterattack if he has no airfield.

now capture the barracks, then continue capturing power plants, then the other structures. (sell that lonely airfield after capturing the enemy supply Depot to reach the final power plants)
have the enemy command Center be the last structure to be captured to not provoke the groud vehicles he has on the map.

btw: try avoid your redguards destroying Patriot batteries (or power might get back online, if you are unlucky+destroyed us-structures spawn rangers) or accidetly getting run over by the dozer
Lobo Solitario
The key to Granger is A ) beating him in the attrition fight and B ) taking his Strategy Center out of commission as soon as possible, and keeping it that way as much as you can.

With all generals I find the strategy is pretty much the same - defense in depth, with infantry on the outer edge, screening your AA tanks, which in turn screen your AA turrets. The turrets act as bait for his Auroras and Stealth Bombers, the infantry soak up damage and throw extra projectiles at his point defense, and the AA tanks do most of the damage. Use GPs and superweapons as soon as possible to take his Strategy Center offline, and keep it offline as much as possible, which will cut his Auroras out of the equation. From there it's pretty easy to take map control and mop up. Make sure to build a strong secondary economy, as you're going to be constantly trading units throughout the game - as long as you can build units faster than he can replace his planes, you'll be fine.
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