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Full Version: Beating Toxin General Challenge on Hard, as Superweapons
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First, I did read the other thread, and a combination of too many unreadable fonts, too much misinformation, a lot of off-topic posting, and no real strategies in that thread led me to make my own.

I am just looking for a solid way on how to beat Toxic General Challenge on hard, as Superweapons.

My main issue is the long-range weapons, like the Rocket Buggies and the Scud Launchers. In Zero Hour, those didn't attack your perimeter defences, making the base actually defendable. In this mod, they sit back way out of range of any of your units and take down your defenses fairly early in the game. I can fend off the early attacks no problem, with a combination of EMP Patriots, Firebases, and Pop-Up Patriots, but at some point he starts sending the long-range artillery, and thats where I lose every time.

I tried using Avengers as an additional defense, to shoot down incoming missiles, but they've been nerfed or something and die anyway. Commanches just get shot down. Same deal with Raptors. I also can't be everywhere at once sending out planes to the 3 points he attacks from. Tomahawks also dont have the range of his artillery, and they have armor like paper anyway.

If anyone has any concise guide on how to do this, it would be appreciated.
Okay now get at most 3 emp patriots and a few Missle defendenders with emp, thats your defence.

Early game you should rush capture building and capture the two oils near you asap, the one in the north you wont be able to defend but its a target to slow them down.
Now If you can get a stratagey center my advice is for you to get stealth fighters for enemey arty or transition into T2 go bombartment and position the cannon correctly as its pretty devestating in shw.

Now what I want you to remember is that your specialty is drone, If you can get sentry drones with the armour upgrade and the gun toxin has nothing on you.Its a walk in the park....If your interested add me on skype so I can show you how its done.
QUOTE ((USA)Bruce @ 11 Jun 2016, 14:49) *
Now If you can get a stratagey center my advice is for you to get stealth fighters for enemey arty or transition into T2 go bombartment and position the cannon correctly as its pretty devestating in shw.

Now what I want you to remember is that your specialty is drone, If you can get sentry drones with the armour upgrade and the gun toxin has nothing on you.Its a walk in the park....If your interested add me on skype so I can show you how its done.

Now the real challenge is, how the heck is he gonna survive long enough doing and implementing all of what you said above laugh.gif He has already said that he cannot keep a check on everything at once biggrin.gif
I think hes spending too much on defences and not positioning them right, like the north sides would be best with firebases and the east sides need emp patritots agaisnt bomb trucks.
I followed your advice. EMP Missile Defenders are a good idea, thanks.

I still lose to the Rocket Buggies and those long-range rocket trucks. How are you supposed to stop them? Even stealth bombers get shot down by those tanks with AA guns on them.
I recorded a video of a typical game. Hopefully someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong and what to do instead.

QUOTE (hiimdm @ 13 Jun 2016, 8:14) *
I recorded a video of a typical game. Hopefully someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong and what to do instead.

ignore the oil derick on the top left, if you do he doesnt send units that way.
only other thing i can see u did wrong on that was u need to snipe the arty as thats where majority of his damage comes from.
other than that u did a good job and could of won that.
the base layout was good and the defence line. just the arty trucks screwed u over.
Sorry for to put another topic, but it is something small that found in the challenge. It is about the challenge of Granger, it doesn't have the part vs. Leang. I am making all other time, I will make a post after i finishes it. This way can to notify all the problems that finds, but i can appreciate a lot of knowledge in because it doesn't have Leang. Sorry for my english, and thanks for the work in Shockwave.
QUOTE (Shockfan42 @ 19 Jul 2016, 8:31) *
Sorry for to put another topic ...

If you knew you were going off topic you should have just created your own thread.
I have a similar problem. How the heck can I beat him as Kassad?

The moment a battle bus with toxin grenadiers and those Scourge launchers appear, not a damn thing in my arsenal works.

The base defenses are almost useless against him.
Well, the key is to deceive with a false death to good Dr. Turn all invisible, sell the Command Center, build far from the initial place to avoid Scud Storm, capture the oils for win time, the palace and a two tunnels should be the only thing defending. Build Jarmen Kell, and two Black Markets, stealth too. For this moment, the defenses has been surpassed. But you should have Jarmen Kell snipping vehicles, a barracks for build hickjackers, and stealth workers. The Dr cannot locate their base and stop from send the Scourges. However can use Scud Storm and Antrax bomb near from the supply that kills yours workers, but with the Black Market the money not is a issue.

Once he stops to send units, rebuild the Palace,and stealth. Not build defenses, or turn is off. Use the infantry and stealth vehicles, not attack. The Mercenary GP is a good point, you can build short range stealth artillery, it doesn´t activate the attacks. Use for destroy the defenses, build and Stealth the Command center. Now can use bombs trucks and turn stealth their vehicles with the GP. (Not have much time visible vehicles, the Dr can send armies for they.) Capture the ground and destroy the artillery at east side. Destroy the van, destroy the garrisons with bombs trucks. Use the recourses for build a pair form Scuds Storms. Use for open ground and push with bombs Trucks and Mercenaries

From here is rinse and repeat. Jarmen Kell is vital, stealth buses for defenses can be. Use the cataract in the eyes of Dr to their favor.
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