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Full Version: Angry mob +variants spawn logic
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave
The spawn logic for angry mobs should be reverted back to the default method.

A long while ago in the development of this mod the spawn logic of angry mob members was changed so that instead of new members appearing from within the mob they would spawn at the barracks and try to rejoin the larger body. This change as I recall was done mostly for cosmetic reasons because people didn't like how the new members appearing from nowhere looked.

However the change in spawn point has caused numerous problems and annoyances.

1. New mob members spawning from the barracks continually die in transit to the main body of the mob, this causes a continuous series of death cries until either the main body is killed or the mob moves close enough to the barracks for new members to join.

2. Because the game tries to place the health bar in the middle of the mob when new members spawn from the barracks the mob health bar indicator will drift to the point between the main body of the mob and the barracks, making it difficult at times to find.

Taking these things into consideration I strongly suggest that in future patches the spawn logic be reverted to the old style in order to put an end to these annoyances.
This feature also seems to be a bit buggy, as it stops working when you build a second barracks. The feature still works from mobs built from the second barracks though.
I'd also like to see this set back to default. It may look a bit odd to have the new mobbers spawn from the inside, but the current one simply doesn't work correctly.
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