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Full Version: Tourney on Shockwave mod?
SWR Productions Forum > SWR Projects > ShockWave

what do you guys think about a simple single-elimination tournament.
That would be run over if there are at least 8 players.

- 10k$ No Rules
- A small map pool so that "standard ZH players" don't need to adapt too much to the maps and more to the faction
- Possibly we could ask for a small money input if that is doable
- Free Armies
- GenTool or GameRanger one should be mandatory

Tell me what do you think and how many players we got from this community.


There was a tournament with some toxic members that got banned that ended awhile back.
Plus there was another one of Angels birthday that I was in but I was inactive so I got disqualified tongue.gif

Im not sure you can find an active playerbase from just this forum.You should try ROTR, Its much more alive...Not to mention more balenced.

Due to some lets say "drama" by someone I quit shw till furthure notice.
Should mention I appritiate that you want to bring people from the ZH GR community here, but Imo you should best wait for the 1.2 version thats coming soon...
ZH players come to this forum...
They play ROTR..
then they try to organize a Shockwave tournament...

You are not the first and probably not the last. The cycle continues. xD
In my last tournament there was 1 player, I closed tournament, maybe I will try again soon. The fact is shockwave is allmost dead, and it's sadly for me.
With the bugs and imbalaces known to almost everyone, why would people join in the first place?
Which Major Bugs or imbalances?
Any links to topic you can provide?
I played 0.951 which had some Unit which needed tweaks.
Not playIng and then releasing next Version is quite the wrong way.

Shockwave is the mod which is close to ZH.
Much more than ROTR.

for example
GLA salvage general is op - quads, triple barrel heroic marauders etc.
US Armor - collects money much faster than others, his planes are resistant to emp,
usa decoy drone cant be targeted by rockets
+ others

Just wait for new patch, i think that many players will try shockwave again, and maybe some new guys.
Laser general is a bit overkill as it is... many are complaining about Salvage as well. With ROTR being the biggest thing on this forum a lot of people are not too hyped about ZH or ZH style gameplay.

You'll have to adapt or move on, like the rest of those who tried to set up Shockwave tournaments here.
QUOTE ((USA)Bruce @ 20 Nov 2015, 19:07) *
Should mention I appritiate that you want to bring people from the ZH GR community here, but Imo you should best wait for the 1.2 version thats coming soon...

I dont quite understand why there's a mod and everyone is telling to play not this Version. Are there some replays backing up the problems mentioned?

If there will be a tourney with Shockwave it should also point to possible problems. is and will be the most activity ZH Page that's why it is important to have a mod which is close to ZH.
QUOTE (-ReLaX @ 20 Nov 2015, 15:30) *

what do you guys think about a simple single-elimination tournament.
That would be run over if there are at least 8 players.

- 10k$ No Rules
- A small map pool so that "standard ZH players" don't need to adapt too much to the maps and more to the faction
- Possibly we could ask for a small money input if that is doable
- Free Armies
- GenTool or GameRanger one should be mandatory

Tell me what do you think and how many players we got from this community.


Well Relax... This Year we had 5 Shockwave Tournaments with Success!!!
Just see:
1st(by Squak):
Group Stage:
Single Elimiation:

2nd( Shockwave League by Striker and DustyRhodes ):

3rd(Shockwave: in the waiting of new version by Angel):

4th ( 1vs1 Shockwave Tournament by Striker and DustyRhodes) :

5h ( Angel's birthday Shockwave Tournament ):

So.... i think a Shockwave Tournament with a good marketing effort work, publicity, and a good divulgation in several forums (, SWR Forums, Generals, Tunngle, Skype Group, E-mail invitation, a video announcing the tournament...) and other
ways can bring several players to participate in the tournament ...

Means forcing GenTool is not a good idea?
I am Not a Fan of gsmeranger.
QUOTE (-ReLaX @ 22 Nov 2015, 14:53) *
Means forcing GenTool is not a good idea?
I am Not a Fan of gsmeranger.

Gentool is a good idea. and if u prefer u can play shockwave through hamachi, tunngle or garena. in gentool 7.0 was possible to play shockwave too but in 7.2 no more....
I played SHW all the time with genTool over gameranger.
Don't know if protection is still there.
QUOTE (-ReLaX @ 22 Nov 2015, 16:26) *
I played SHW all the time with genTool over gameranger.
Don't know if protection is still there.

Sorry, I meant that with Gentool version 7.0 was possible to play shockwave in cnc online servers, but after 7.0 in the latest versions(7.1 and 7.2) is already no longer possible to play through revora servers...
I also always play with gentool!

A poll has been started on to define the Shockwave Tournament a little bit more.

Would be nice if you could add your thoughts!
I honestly would wait for the patch that is being worked on. The released version has many issues that would make a tournament difficult to hold fairly.
I am sure not ever imbalance is Shown or proven by replays some how. That's why it is important to play. What if you See things in the next Version which should have been Seen just now? That would be just Bad. Did you have a look at the Details of the tourney?
Btw, camera in shockwave is placed higher compared do vanilla zh, newest gentool versions remove that feature and so gentool shouldnt be mandatory.
Didn't notice yet and I played with and without GenTool.

Majority up to the poll is now saying they want to play protected.
Also Random Balance is always nice to have if you ask me even if China can scout now earlier.


QUOTE (-ReLaX @ 25 Nov 2015, 14:57) *
I am sure not ever imbalance is Shown or proven by replays some how. That's why it is important to play. What if you See things in the next Version which should have been Seen just now? That would be just Bad. Did you have a look at the Details of the tourney?

Thing is, we have a ton of data on the overpowered factions due to having 4+ years of replays and also recorded data. Because of this, the overpowered units are very well known. For example (but not even close to limited to): Salvaged Quads (Including Quad Tanks, since they start with level 1 salvage), Laser PDL BattleDrones, Bullfrogs, etc.
Can you pick some of them and post them?
Laser PDL BattleDrone ist that over-powered?
Ah i remember you from quite some time ago RelaX you were always a high quality player who didnt jump the "its not fair boat" as quickly as a some of the players on this forum. XD.gif

Shockwave is probably dying out because the lack of updates

If your concerned about what people consider OP in shockwave its the following

Quad tank-
White napalm Migs-
vChina late game scaling-
Laser generals burst damage across the board-

These are just some small examples i disagree very strongly because sometimes you just get a bad match up like in any real time strategy or well ANY GAME EVER
Alot of players aren't creative with there builds and that leads to people jumping to the conclusion something is imbalanced or OP.
While this may be true to an extent and shockwave has its fair share of problems I fell like tactical diversity is way more possible.
QUOTE (Zhao @ 27 Nov 2015, 16:03) *
Ah i remember you from quite some time ago RelaX you were always a high quality player who didnt jump the "its not fair boat" as quickly as a some of the players on this forum. XD.gif

Shockwave is probably dying out because the lack of updates

If your concerned about what people consider OP in shockwave its the following

Quad tank-
White napalm Migs-
vChina late game scaling-
Laser generals burst damage across the board-

These are just some small examples i disagree very strongly because sometimes you just get a bad match up like in any real time strategy or well ANY GAME EVER
Alot of players aren't creative with there builds and that leads to people jumping to the conclusion something is imbalanced or OP.
While this may be true to an extent and shockwave has its fair share of problems I fell like tactical diversity is way more possible.

Missile Defender Vees are nerfed in SHA compared to ZH just because the ambulance don't heal, which is good.
The Quad Tank is actual not okay if you ask me.
White napalm I didn't test yet.
What you mean by vChina late game scaling, which combination do you think of?
Laser generals burst damage across the board- --> You mean sll Lasertanks?
I've read people find Leang's flame tanks too strong. Idk why, cause normal flame tanks seems more useful cause of the flame wall ability....
And, no idea how Mdvees can be OP in any way; if anything, the new SW stuff compared to ZH just has even more options to counter them o.0
About vChina, perhaps the awesome AT Infernos, cheap and good Battlemasters and nice air force make it seem OP.?
I would like to See good replays or play by myself several 1on1s against equally skills players.
Angel was good to play against, Striker as well.
The Quad Tank is overpowered actually due to the absurdness of Quad Cannon salvage bonuses... which are insanely high. The Quad Tank starts out with a level 1 salvage, which gives a full 50% bonus to the quad cannon's DPS. This is increased by another 33% upon gaining the second salvage level. The third salvage level goes full ahead and gives a full 100% bonus to the DPS. When put together, this is a (approx.) 400% bonus to the Quad Cannon's DPS. This isn't even counting veterancy and AP bullets. The same thing can be found with the vGLA Quad Cannon with the Extra Salvage upgrade, but it isn't as bad since this is much later in the game.
Damage-Per-Second. Basically the damage a unit causes multiplied by the rate of fire of that unit. Gives a more complete picture compared to raw damage values.
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